The Metamorphosis of a Table

I made the ‘The Metamorphosis of a table’ sculpture and video to illustrate my thoughts and stories, reflecting on how ‘The Table’ as a call can bring crowds together, and inviting the audience to think about their own interactions with the social environment in terms of the structure of ‘the table’.

Starting from my own departure from a perfect job in the mainstream sense, coming to London- a new environment, and reflecting on the root of who I am as a human being. I played as a wine table in a ballroom, performed as a square table in the performance ‘Human Technology Furniture Company’ with my peers, and ran countless community events in London under the name of The TableX706. By creating a series of actions and works based on the table, I take the table as a manifesto, offering a way to find oneself under the pressure of the mainstream by dialectically looking at the reality of the human being as a tool of social production, constantly interacting with the surrounding environment, creating a connection and finding a balance between the self and the role of society.